TiborGallery Posted on November 14, 2017November 18, 2017 by Ayin Es Tibor Jankay, Hungarian Countryside. Oil on board, Circa 1950-1960 Tibor Jankay, Still Life with Vase and Book, Oil on Masonite. 24 x 32 inches. Tibor Jankay, Romero and Julia, Venice Beach in June 1980. Oil and Acrylic on canvas. 36.5 x 48 inches. Talk to Her. Oil on canvas. Tibor Jankay: Landscape with Women and Colosseum. Circa 1950s Tibor Jankay, Venice, Italy. Oil on Canvas. Tibor Jankay, Deportati. Pencil or charcoal on paperCirca 1940s. Tibor Jankay, Woman and Child. Tibor Jankay, Celebrating the Human Spirit Three Classical Women, oil on canvas. 30.25 x 26 inches. Tibor Jankay, Five Women in Classical Dress. Oil on masoninte. Hungry Sisters. Oil on canvas, 30 x 27 inches.Circa 1958. Tibor Jankay. Lovers Tibor Jankay, charcoal drawing on paper. Tibor Jankay, Streetscape. Tibor Jankay, Two Women. River Landscape with Boat House. Oil on board, 24 x 32 inches. Profile of a Woman's Head with a Vase of Flowers, oil on masonite. Tibor Jankay, The Three Graces. three-generations-wall-decor-by-tibor-jankay